Hello there! Thanks for stopping by.
My name is Christopher Walker and I’m am excited you are checking out Christographer. A resident of Dallas, Texas, I am self-taught in the visual arts of photography, graphic design, and also dabble in web development. My passion for seeing things artistically and my desire to capture high-quality photographs are being united in this portfolio I call Christographer.
Who Am I
Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that I am a sinner saved by the grace of God through my faith in Jesus Christ. This is the most significant attribute about me because it shapes and molds everything else that I am and all I aspire to be. My belief in Jesus is the foundation for my entire life, it gives me peace and balance, and it provides me the freedom to be all God has created me to be within the boundaries of His will for my life.
Husband to a Wonderful Woman. I definitely found a good thing when I met Angela. She has impacted my life tremendously, all for the better. We were married April 2009 in Destin, Florida and have enjoyed building a life together. We’re are most likely going to be that old couple sitting on the front porch yelling at kids to get off our lawn, then laughing when they take us serious.
Sometimes late at night I tickle her until she almost cries, then reassure her that uncontrollable laugher is good for the soul. The wonderfulness of Angie is that, even in those moments, she still loves me and considers cuddling with me minutes later. She knows all my vulnerabilities, fears, shortcomings, and regrets. Through it all she loves and encourages me daily. I am truly blessed to be her husband.
Dad. We have 3 kids and counting. We have truly been blessed to have such amazing kids who do the silliest things that keep our lives pretty amusing and busy.