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Chelsea & Jeremy Kraemer – Wedding

By October 13, 2009May 5th, 2017Weddings

Forget Barbie & Ken, Check Out This Hot Couple!

We absolutely love, loved, lovedddded this couple! Chelsea and Jeremy were married on September 26th in Medford, Wisconsin on a gorgeous fall day. Their story is such a classic – high school sweethearts, college lovers and now they are married…but if you met them, you’d think they just fell in love yesterday. The love they share seems to renew continually. Their wedding was so much fun and we captured some awesome moments with them – it was a huge plus that they scheduled 2 hours in their day just for us to do our thing!

Chelsea and Jeremy, you guys are such a wonderful couple and simply made for each other. The way you look into each others eyes, the way you embrace, everything you do together…it’s just so natural and pure. We are so glad to have met you guys. Your wedding day was very special for so many reason and it was definitely our pleasure being there to capture these memories for you.

Tell us what you thought!

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  • Chelsea and Jeremy says:

    Thank you so much! We had so much fun with you guys as well. The pictures turned out amazing and we can’t wait to see the rest.

    Awesome Work guys. Sorry you couldn’t stay and dance Chris, we would have loved to see some moves!

    • Christopher says:

      That is the one buzz kill about being a wedding photographer – I don’t get to dance :(. We’re glad you like the preview. Your book is in the works now!

  • wow tremendous collection of photo
    i have never seen before.

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