Sunshine and Rainbows and Ribbons For Hair Bows, That’s What Little Girls Are Made Of
If these two look a little familiar it’s because they have been holding a spot on our website for about three years now!! Meet Ginnean and Doug, again. We had the pleasure of photographing them back when they took their vows and we were so excited when they got in touch to say they are bringing a mini Sinclair into this world! Doug was a super trooper, working his way through the photos with an injured back all in the name of love… or perhaps just to keep Ginnean smiling, which in itself qualifies him to claim his new title as Dad to a much anticipated little girl. As long as his “yes dears” keep coming he will be beloved by his daughter and wife. As for Ginnean, her mommy status is already secure… you can see it in the way she smiles down on her one and only.